Matrix C++ Container

· 422 words · 2 minute read

Following last week’s ICPC contest I spent all week trying to make a C++ matrix class template we could use for the commpetitions.

The problem was a very basic fibonacci-like recurrence relation of the form:

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) + 2 * n * n + 5

The main issue with this was the fact that the largest input size was 10^18. Computers on average (mildly lower than average nowadays) can do around 10^8 cycles per second.

Which left us with an estimate ~10^10 seconds left to compute the largest fibonacci number… Though that may be impossible there is an algorithm to compute any recurrence relation in big-O log time.

I will not go into detail on how to do that (though I might just make another blog post about it), here is a link to an amazing article on how to create a fibonacci matrix based on any recurrence relation.


struct Matrix {
	Matrix(sz r, sz c) : data(vi(r * c, 0)), cols(c), rows(r)

	int& operator[](sz i)
		return data[i];

	int& operator()(sz r, sz c)
		return data[r * cols + c];

	int operator()(sz r, sz c) const
		return data[r * cols + c];

	vi get_row(sz r) const
		auto ret = vi(cols, 0);
		sz i = 0;
		for (auto& e : ret) {
			e = data[rows * r + i];
		return ret;

	vi get_col(sz c) const
		auto ret = vi(rows, 0);
		sz i = 0;
		for (auto& e : ret) {
			e = data[cols * i + c];
		return ret;

	void print() const
		for (sz i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
			for (sz j = 0; j < cols; j++)
				cout << (*this)(i, j) << " ";
			cout << endl;

	Matrix operator*(const Matrix& rhs) const
		auto out = Matrix(rhs.rows, cols);
		for (sz i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
			auto sel_row = get_row(i);
			for (sz j = 0; j < rhs.rows; j++) {
				auto sel_col = rhs.get_col(j);
				int sum = inner_product(sel_row.begin(),
							sel_col.begin(), 0);
				out(i, j) = sum;
		return out;

	void operator*=(const Matrix& rhs)
		for (sz i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
			auto sel_row = get_row(i);
			for (sz j = 0; j < rhs.rows; j++) {
				auto sel_col = rhs.get_col(j);
				int sum = inner_product(sel_row.begin(),
							sel_col.begin(), 0);
				(*this)(i, j) = sum;

	vi data;
	sz cols;
	sz rows;

Links 🔗

  • Here is a link to the matrix github repo: